Welcome to the unique world of NICK Schultz

Get ready for a wild ride through the mind of Nick Schultz. Embrace the chaos, dance to the electronic beats, and ponder the deep political musings. Explore, shop, and get inspired. It's all here, just for you.


Thoughts and Opinions

  • First and foremost I’m a human that wants my freedom, and understands the only way to have that freedom is living in the truth. My archetypical beliefs are founded on an “I exist so” mindset

    I exist so I must have been created. Now you can fish bone diagram to the real meat of life. The enigma of existence. Who are we, what is our purpose, and where did we come from? The unknowable. With a firm understanding in the reality I experience I fall into the Agnostic category. Nobody knows the unknowable. This is where the foundation of humanity crumbles… as soon as we deviate from this foundation we are venerable to influence. This is how the entire web of influence exists. We are lead to believe someone knows a secret and because of that they have the power. When that simply cannot be. We must acknowledge the lack of evidence that organized religion offers. Buddhism is where I’d see myself going in the future.

    The way to enlightenment is just telling the truth at all costs.. Even when it’s uncomfortable. All we’re sure of is that “I exist” and that “I cannot die” why are you convinced that you can die? Have you experienced it. I’ll give you that it’s logical but I’d argue that that topic is debatable and it’s heavily used to manipulate our actions! Perhaps it’s only logical because we misunderstand our environment intentionally… Perhaps earth is just an experience specifically for you! Yes you… The reader of this blog post. What if everything you’ve ever experienced, all the hardships, all the good times, ESPECIALLY the bad times! All to grant you the perspective you need to be a good God… A good keeper of your simulation?

    Life’s beautiful and those are some deep thoughts but they’re the thoughts that occupy my mind! I feel so connected to this experience that I know it’s more and I know it shouldn’t be taken for granted. It’s time to learn how to be your greatest version of yourself. Become an entity that only the wrong doers dislike… Have boundaries based purely on self respect, treat your body like you want it to last! (Would you put shit gas in a Ferrari?) Tell the truth above everything! It makes life challenging because so many people pretend like the world’s not burning… I pray to any deity that will listen that the good prevail so my children don’t have to clean this mess up! First blog post… yay! #MoreToCome

  • I’m a father, my oldest just turned to an adult. It’s a weird time but it’s satisfying seeing the humans they become. You see the traumas you’ve caused and hopefully you learn from them and do better and try to establish a relationship based on trust not control! This has worked well for me thus far. I wish I had these tool’s earlier in life. Parenting is hard! There is absolutely ZERO “0” ways to do it without inflicting major trauma. Either you love them too much or you love them not enough or you love them too much but at the wrong time… It’s what suggests to me that this life may just be about my own personal training. How aware can you get? What level of awareness will allow for your children to see the blemishes in reality and continue to want to experience it? It’s brutal out here! I see creators I follow doing live journalism from the fentanyl plagued streets of Philadelphia, and I can’t imagine my children going down that path but it only takes one wrong decision. It’s DAMN important that we raise children that are aware that freedom has repercussions! But yes I’m a father of 4 beautiful humans! They all have the most unique personalities! I’m excited to see what they do in this world! Im 40 I’ve been married to the love of my life for almost 10 years. We’ve been through it all, and we chose to continue doing it all every day! The changing moment in my marriage was when I decided I’d never lie about anything ever again, if it causes a fight so be it. You have that fight, and you set your boundaries appropriately! After time you find you’ve negotiated quite a pleasant life together with no question of each other’s integrity. I’m a lover of humans. I believe that we cannot say a utopian society cannot exist because we’ve simply never tried giving humans a sustainable society where their needs are met and they’re treated appropriately. I’m a dreamer! I dream of a world where there’s no reason to rob a store because it’s counterproductive to 100% of the equation and the humans understand that. I believe we can achieve this vision! But it’s gonna a revolution. A mass exodus from the US is coming! This is unsustainable! I’m a humanitarian, currently collecting shoes for people in Guatemala. I’ve been baptized but I’ve since lost my faith due to my worldview being polished by reality. I just simply see the control mechanisms in which minds are successfully programmed. Christianity, Judaism, Islam it’s a series of cages that disconnects you from a logical reality. I just can’t accept it without lying to myself. I’m on a path of truth remember! And I’ve seen far too many people murdered on live streams in the name of said religions to ever consider them relevant. No religion that dishonors human lives will ever find its way into my heart.

    I’m a massive music fan! From the chillest of Konteks to the face melting voice of Randy Blythe of Lamb of God, I love Beethoven! Fir Elise is 🤌🏼. Music is a weapon in the war against unhappiness! More later!

  • In life, there comes a moment of profound realization when the veil of naivety is lifted, and the stark truth reveals itself. For many, me included, this awakening occurs when we recognize the deep-seated corruption that plagues the very foundation of the society we inhabit. When we couldn’t ask logical questions, or we got ostracized because we had too much self-respect to inject our bodies with something so brand fucking new. It's a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that the hard-earned dollars we contribute to taxes are being misappropriated to fund violence, oppression, and biological warfare, rather than upliftment and social progress. If we can fund a war, we can fund human thriving! If we have BILLIONS to send to Ukraine, we have money to fix our water that we mandate fluoride in. It’s time to admit the system is functioning flawlessly and human thriving isn’t the goal. It’s time to admit we live in a tax farm.

    Living in a country marred by corruption can be emotionally and morally taxing. Every day feels like a battle against an entrenched system that prioritizes power and greed over the well-being of its citizens. The constant barrage of scandals, injustices, and abuses of power erodes our faith in the institutions that are meant to protect and serve us.

    For me, reaching the breaking point was inevitable. The tipping point came when I could no longer reconcile the contradiction of my tax dollars being used to feed humans one week, only to witness them being murdered with bombs the next. It was a sobering realization that I could no longer passively accept the status quo.

    Faced with this harsh reality, the decision to leave became a matter of self-preservation and moral integrity. I needed to find a sanctuary, a place where the values of justice, compassion, and integrity were not just lofty ideals but woven into the fabric of everyday life. A place safe to raise my family, a new beginning!

    That place, for me and my family, is going to be Cuenca, Ecuador.

    Nestled in the picturesque Andean highlands, Cuenca offers more than just breathtaking landscapes and charming cobblestone streets. It embodies a spirit of resilience and community that resonates deeply with those seeking refuge from the chaos of corruption. With more and more expats making the move each year!

    Ecuador, despite its own challenges, stands as a beacon of hope in a region often overshadowed by political turmoil and instability. Its commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability aligns with my own values, providing a sense of belonging and purpose that I yearn for. Just like any country, if you stay out of the bad locations, you’ll stay safe. You wouldn’t hold the worst ghettos of Chicago as the standard for all of America, would you?

    Moving to Cuenca is not merely a geographical relocation; it is a journey of self-discovery and renewal. It offered my family and me the opportunity to redefine our priorities and reimagine our future in a place where integrity triumphs over impunity and quality of life prevails due to the extremely affordable cost of living financial freedom is achievable nearly immediately for most Americans.

    Leaving behind the familiar comforts of home will be daunting, but the prospect of escaping the suffocating grip of corruption and this God forsaken web of corporate interests will be extremely liberating. In Cuenca we will build home, with Clean unpoisoned water, and non-GMO fresh fruit without the toxic chemicals.

    Of course, the decision to uproot our life and start anew is never easy. It requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. But for those who refuse to compromise their principles in the face of corruption, it is a choice worth making, I’m so glad my wife was immediately on board!

    As we embark on this new chapter of our lives in Cuenca, I am filled with a sense of hope and optimism for the future. I may be leaving behind the familiarity of my homeland, but I am gaining something far more precious: the opportunity to live authentically and with integrity.

    In the end, escaping corruption is not just about changing locations; it's about reclaiming control over our lives and refusing to be complicit in systems that perpetuate injustice. Cuenca may be my chosen destination, but the journey towards a more just and equitable world is one that we all must undertake, wherever we may be.

    Follow along with me on "ThePulseOfSchultz" YouTube channel and ThePulseOfSchultz.com as I document our journey of transformation, from confronting the harsh realities of corruption to embracing the promise of a new beginning in Cuenca, Ecuador. Join our community of like-minded individuals dedicated to seeking truth, justice, and positive change in an tumultuous world. Together, we can amplify our voices, inspire others to take action, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Welcome to The Pulse Of Schultz

Thanks for stepping into a world of electrifying ideas, thumping electronic music beats, and thought-provoking political musings. Curated just for you by me, Nick Schultz. Don't hesitate to drop me a line and share your thoughts. Who knows, you might just find that perfect item you never knew you needed! Or inspire an idea, I never thought I needed!